Main Stakeholders


The ISB will be involved with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including the four home nations (The Scottish Government, DELNI and DELLS Wales) and Suppliers and Developers.

The current list of stakeholders includes the following:

  • DCSF and DIUS Ministers
  • Sponsors (e.g. DCSF/DIUS Boards, Directors, Director of Corporate Services, Group CIO Council, CIO)
  • Directors of NDPBs (e.g. LSC, QCA)
  • Programme solution architects (e.g. ContactPoint, MIAP, DSG)
  • Standards specifiers (e.g. Procurement framework managers (e.g. Becta), Local Education Partnerships, Educational institutions)
  • Standards makers (e.g. Public and private sector developers)
  • Subject matter experts (e.g. Partner organisations, OGDs, Academia)
  • Delivery and Transformation Group (e.g. CIO Council, CTO Council)
  • Other Government Departments (e.g. NHS, DWP)
  • Other UK national administrations (e.g. The Scottish Government, DELNI, DELLS Wales)
  • International community (e.g. EU, Other countries)