Young Persons Work Force Specification

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Title: Young Persons Work Force Specification

Standards Profile

ISB STATUS =  UNDER REVIEW.   Alignment of definitions for all workforce related datasets that are collected from local authorities (School Workforce Census (SWF), the National Minimum Dataset for Social Care (NMDS-SC), Children’s Service Mapping, and the Local Government Earnings Survey).

Under Review

The purpose of this standard is to provide consistency in the definition, meaning and use of data about the Children’s Workforce by providing standard definitions to those who commission, build, populate and analyse data systems, including collections and surveys.

The intention is that the ISB will approve the status of ADOPTED for this standard.The expected benefits of this standard includes: reduced costs of collecting workforce information, because workforce needs to be collected just once and can be used many times; and the improved statistical relevance of data when compared to other data sets.

Data Management

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