Quality Standard for Structured Vocabularies

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Title: Quality Standard for Structured Vocabularies

Standards Profile

ISB STATUS =  UNDER REVIEW.   ESCS quality standard to assess structured vocabularies.

Under Review

The intention is that the ISB will approve the status of ADOPTED for this standard.  The objective of this work is to agree an ESCS quality standard for structured vocabularies. The main benefit of this standard will be to ensure that vocabularies are effective in managing access to and exploitation of information. It will also provide greater certainty to those projects, programmes and suppliers that are developing vocabularies as to the quality requirements of the system. This work is being led by our Vocabularies Special Interest Group. It is anticipated that it will draw heavily on existing standards in this area including BS8723 2005 (Structured vocabularies for information retrieval) and IMS Meta-data Best Practice Guide for IEEE 1484.12.1-2002 (Standard for Learning Object Metadata). The intention is that this quality standard will apply across ESCS.


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