Common Basic Data Set (CBDS)

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Title: Common Basic Data Set (CBDS)

Standards Profile

ISB STATUS =  INHERITED.   Common Basic Data Set - CBDS provides a standard for data used in school, education authority, the Department and other software systems for management information. Encouraging suppliers to use the same definitions so that data can be transferred from one system to another. (Primary->secondary).4 specifications have been developed, covering: Pupils, adults (teachers, support staff, governors), schools and LEAs.

Schools;Further Education;Higher Education;Life-Long Learning

ISB Decision


1. The Common Basic Data Set (CBDS) provides a standard for data used in school, education authority, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and other software systems for management information. It encourages suppliers to use the same definitions so that data can be transferred from one system to another. (Primary->secondary). Four specifications have been developed, covering: pupils, adults (teachers, support staff, governors), schools and LEAs.

2. The ISB has approved this as a "inherited standard" to acknowledge the importance and current use of the standard, and to alert new projects to the fact that CBDS in its entirety is not seen as the strategic direction of travel for standardisation of all the data items within the standard. ISB expects to approve a series of discrete standards for data items each of which will, as far as is feasible, be suitable for use across all relevant parts of ESCS. Many of those will be based on the definitions currently within CBDS, some will not.

The ISB has approved a status of INHERITED for this standard.

Mature, widely implemented

Adaptation to changing schools policy

State schools, Education Departments, DCSF DSG

Assessment and Qualifications


Application Profiled

Tech Architect;Vendor

The content of the stadard includes data item and attribute definitions, including XML tag and controlled list values.

CBDS is already in use for the purposes stated in the objectives above. In giving approval to CBDS as an Inherited Standard, ISB is stating that the use of this standard outside the stated purposes in new systems is not approved. ISB is intending by the end of 2009 to have replaced this standard with a series of standards, one for each data item and associated attributes, that will be:

  • ESCS-wide
  • Compatible with the ESCS Enterprise Architecture

The following data items from CBDS should not be used in any new system. Use instead definitions to be found in the Aligned Data Definitions (

  • Names,
  • DoB,
  • Gender,
  • Birth certificate and DoB verification
  • Country of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Home address

The ULN is defined authoritatively by MIAP CDD.

The following are not considered ready for adoption:

  • Religious codes, faith codes,
  • Home location,
  • School Phase,
  • Type,
  • Governance,
  • Intake Type
  • Staff information module
  • Reconciliation module
  • School location
  • Pupil statistics
  • Pupil performance
  • Pupil exclusion figures at school level
  • Inspection information - adoption assessment
  • Curriculum - adoption assessment
  • CBDS numbers 200279 to 200297
  • Premises information
  • UPN

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