Title: BDM Data Standard - Stakeholder Schedule v0.2
Standards Profile
System Wide Standard
The Department for Children, School’s and Families’ (DCSF)14–19 Reform Programme new challenges for recording and managing attendance. Since learners will be undertaking learning at different sites, belonging to different learner providing institutions, and potentially in different local authorities, there are significant issues to be overcome in ensuring that all stakeholders record and disseminate consistent data about attendance in a timely fashion.
On 24 November 2009, the ISB approved the status of RECOMMENDED for a number of widely usable standards that between them are sufficient to meet this need. The ISB will review progress with the expectation that the standards will be given ‘approved’ status.
The Business Data Standards define data items in terms of their meaning (semantics) and structure, but do not define specific encodings or messaging structures needed to realise an implementation of a system performing any specific function.
Systems that wish to exchange any of the data defined in these Business Data Standards in compliance with the standards must encode and transfer data according to the specifications.
Use of the standards is not mandated by the ISB but may be mandated by a system owner. Systems that choose to conform to the data standards will be assured that they will be able to exchange data easily with any other conformant system.
The Department for Children, School’s and Families’ (DCSF)14–19 Reform Programme presents a new operating model for education where the focus is on the learner and not the institution. With new qualifications such as the 14-19 Diplomas learning will be delivered by a range of learning providers in a range of locations. It is critical for delivery success that these learning providers can exchange information on learners and that learners can access resources relevant to them wherever they are.
The delivery of Diplomas commenced in September 2008 with 144 consortia of Schools, Colleges, Further Education and Higher Education (Learning Providers) offering 20,000 places on five lines of learning.
· From September 2009, Diplomas will be available in 10 subjects.
· From September 2010, a further four will be added, and an additional three in September 2011.
· By 2013 there should be access to the full national entitlement meaning a place in education for every learner aged 14-19 across England.
Although numbers involved currently are relatively small these numbers will increase rapidly. The need for interoperability between information systems to support the institutions, learning providers and learners is paramount.
Each learner will have a Home Centre which has responsibility for monitoring attendance, pastoral care, some of the qualification entries and monitoring of progress. Home Centres need to have the information readily available to fulfil their duty of care.
14-19 brings new challenges for recording and managing attendance. It brings together two different systems for recording:
· Learner presence on site (a.m. and p.m. registers) for pre-16 learners / child protection
· Learner attendance at each and every session for colleges, Further Education and Higher Education.
· Furthermore, systems now having to be interfaced will record attendance for different business purposes:
· Discharging a Duty of Care to learners where applicable
· Funding
· Quality measures
· Pastoral care and intervention
· Management & payment of staff
· Track lateness to lessons
Since learners will be undertaking learning at different sites, belonging to different learner providing institutions, and potentially in different local authorities, there are significant issues to be overcome in ensuring that all stakeholders record and disseminate consistent data about attendance in a timely fashion.
The ISB will review progress with the expectation that the standards will be given ‘adopted’ status.
Data Management
Code of Practise
Sector (escs)
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Click here to download BDM Data Standard - Stakeholder Schedule v0.2