Awarding Body Information Standards

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Title: Awarding Body Information Standards

Standards Profile

ISB STATUS =  UNDER REVIEW.   Data Standards for Awarding Body information (including qualifications)

Under Review

The intention is that the ISB will approve the status of ADOPTED for this standard. The most pressing business need for the development of standards in this area comes from the urgent need for JCQ to replace its aged systems and the need to support the reform of the 14-19 learning provision. The 14-19 reform increases the numbers of institutions (FE and schools) offering a range of qualifications and in turn means they will be dealing with a wider range of awarding organisations. There is currently no common data standard for examination entries and results notification for general and vocational qualifications.  This causes significant inefficiencies and additional cost in the Further Education sector and increasingly this issue is affecting schools with the implementation of 14 -19 reforms. The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) is leading on developing a set of independent standards for Awarding Body data, i.e. learner details, examination entry and results notification, focusing initially on schools to Awarding Body exchanges. The ISB and TSS are engaging to ensure that the standard is widely applicable across ESCS and that it can be given an Adopted status by the ISB.

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